Friday, March 14, 2014

School Years (part 2)

It was during this time I was cross dressing in my moms clothes and makeup.  After I had everything on I looked in the mirror and felt right with everything at that point.  It was at that point in time when my female side really came out.  So you can imagine a kid in sixth grade problems in school with not too many friends and gender issues popping up, I had to deal with alot.

My school had it setup that students would graduate from 8 grade to move onto high school.  We had gowns and caps that was my only time I felt right in school.

High school was totally different, which I was sort of prepared for by one of only two friends I had from my previous school. (Thank you Howard) so I knew a little to expect.

School was rough for me. I had to fight to get C's.  I had trouble talking to girls but was talking to guys. I was still cross dressing when I could atme.  But the main thing I did was look at the girls fashions. I loved the cheleaders uniforms, not because the girls were hot but because of the uniforms only.

Now its my sophmore year,  Not too much happened I had my first girlfriend, which my father hated. My mother loved her and ehen I broke up from her yeah I took it very very hard, but as my mother felt my pain my father laughed.  That following summer I had turned my life over to God so the rest of my schooling just flew by because of church.

The only thing I wanted to do was make my father be proud of me do before I graduated I enlisted into the Army.  I also dang in church and I had done alot of other things for the church. I was the best youth singer in church, but my father keptputting me down. My senoir year was great because I had become an adult so I could do anything I wanted while my other classmates had to have their parents do things. I could fill out gorms and sign any permission slips because I was 18 and turned 19 the last few months of school.

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