Wednesday, March 12, 2014

About Me

Hello to anyone that might read this.  I am unsure of how this stuff goes because o have never blogged before.  For this first blog post I will just give highlights to see if I can get anybody to follow me.

To begin i am a 43 year old transgender female.  I was born this way and my parents never seemed to understand me at all.

I did everything that a normal "man" is supposed to do in life but failed.  It all started in school when if I was lucky to be an average student.

I had even gotten married and had two kids.  But my ex decided to dystory my marrage and my kids.

Later in life my father had stolen my fiancee from me and married her.  In reponse I rushed into a second marriage, which failed and she left me homeless.

I have since found another person to be with and she understands me 100%.  Only problem is that she is still married because Tn will not grant her devoirce.

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