Saturday, March 15, 2014

Marriage one

After I had graduated from high school I went to Army boot camp, I didnt ever want to fight because of church.  I had again failed in my life but this time I had lost my fathers respect, eventhough he never said it.

But about a year and a half later I had met a wonderful woman (or I thought I did).  The year was 1992 I brought her home and again my father and this time my mother were disapointed in the fact that I wanted to stay with her.  We were both church goers.  My church didnt approve of her at all and decided to shun me. My church didnt care that I did alot of things for the church.  i.e. usher, ran sound system, janitor, maintenance and helped in childrens church.

My wife was great and she fullfilled her wifely duties to the fullest.  The was only one major problem her parents.  Her parents were my first in-laws so I followed what they wanted at first.  Then the time came when both sets of parents to meet (it was the worst thing ever done).  Because her parents showed theirtrue colors by  being back stabbing ass holes. My parents like them and started to turn on us.  During this time I did everything possible to find work and support my family.  Did her parents care? No!  The jobs didnt last long because my mangers had something against me and fired me.  Now lets fly to the year 1995 we finally had a baby a beautiful baby girl named Maryann.  We told her parents and that is when the real hell started.  For some damn reason her mother started telling me how to raise my daughter.  But her parents didnt want to live so far from my daughter so they moved us and themselves to Fresno.  That was where her parents pushed me out of Maryann's life, my wife refused to stand up against her mother and allowed the action to continue.  With my mother in-law pushing me out of Maryann's life it put a huge toll on the marriage.  So I looked for work out of state just to get away from my in-laws.The job was only seasonal so the job ended. I went back home and back to college.  My major was teaching and my wife's was early childhood education.  I had my major suffer to help my wife get through school. She had finished school and found work in the field.  

But I knew during this time that I was different I knew that I was supposed to be a girl.  But this time the feeling was so so strong I couldnt ignore it anymore.  So I sought out the right docters and had everything going in the right direction. (I will say more later on this) I knew that to get enough money for my family I had to find work that would bring in the money fast.  So I went to truck driving school and placed second.  During that year my wife was with my second child. Right before my son was born I found a trucking company to go with and left for new employee training right after my son was born.

Now the end of my family. I was in training and my wife decided not to clean house or take care of my children.  So she was arrested for child abuse and neglect the cops were looking at me for it as well because that is how CA ran.  I had lost my good paying job because of her.  I had no home to go to so I moved to MI  in 2001.  My wife decided to take half of my federalincome tax refund from me. duringthe last time I ever had contact with my children.  she had filed for divorce from me that summer.


  1. Hi zenia sonya asked me to message can talk to her through (601)522-3274

  2. Please text her as soon as yo get this messaege
